Meghan McCain, the daughter of late Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), sent a warning message to Vice President Kamala Harris who mentioned her father at a recent rally and says that Democrats are trying to “reinvent history.”
McCain took to the social media platform X to post the following: “Now, I know democrats want to reinvent history and turn my Dad into any illusion you guys need him to be depending on the political moment you need to bastardize his memory for…”
“But please don’t make me start sharing what I remember him ACTUALLY saying about Kamala Harris….”
Harris recently praised John McCain for his vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act.
“That vote was the late great John McCain,” Harris said, according to the Hill. “A great American, a war hero, John McCain.”
McCain, who said that she would not be voting for either candidate, added – “And consider this my final warning shot, I will start spilling tea.”